Hiperfakt vs. Payoneer

January 20, 2022

Hiperfakt vs. Payoneer: A Factual Comparison

As a business owner or expert in payment processing technology, you might be considering which payment service provider is the best for you amongst Hiperfakt and Payoneer. While both have similarities, they each offer unique features that are worth comparison.

In this blog post, we aim to provide a factual and unbiased comparison of Hiperfakt and Payoneer, including numbers and sources for the information used.



Hiperfakt is a payment service provider that offers payment solutions for eCommerce businesses, marketplaces, and SaaS platforms. Its payment processing technology includes a variety of features such as payments routing, fraud prevention, and multi-currency support.


Payoneer also offers payment solutions for businesses and individuals, with a focus on cross-border transactions. Its payment technology includes options for invoicing, mass payouts, and currency conversion.




Hiperfakt charges a fixed fee of 2.5% for every transaction, with no setup or maintenance fees.


Payoneer charges a different fee for each type of payment transaction. For example, for payment requests, the fee is 3%, while for receiving mass payouts, it's 0.5%. Additionally, there are fees for currency conversion and ATM withdrawals.

Overall, Hiperfakt may be a better choice for businesses that process a large number of transactions, as the fixed fee could be more cost-effective.



Hiperfakt supports payments in over 135 currencies and offers advanced currency conversion options.


Payoneer also offers multi-currency support, allowing businesses to receive payments in over 150 currencies. However, the currency options may depend on the country of the user.


Both Hiperfakt and Payoneer have high standards of payment security, including fraud monitoring and SSL encryption. However, Hiperfakt offers additional security measures, such as two-factor authentication and chargeback protection.


Ultimately, the choice between Hiperfakt and Payoneer will depend on the specific needs of your business. Both payment service providers offer unique features and benefits, including multi-currency support and strong security measures.

We hope this comparison has provided helpful insight into the differences and similarities between Hiperfakt and Payoneer.


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